been working on a 20 gal tank. i know i want a clown or other 4 inch pleco. then i want a couple of larger fish. i was contemplating apistos, but haven't seen any in the lfs lately. so i did some research on brichardis and kribs. i've set my sites on kribs. i've read some confusing things so i just wanted to clear some of it up with you krib owners out there. now, they like rocks/caves. for substrate, do they prefer rock/gravel or sand or a mix? what number could i have in the 20 gal (with a pleco), and what should the male/female ratio be? live plants a no-no correct? if i had a pair or a trio, any other fish that could accompany them (seeing as from what i've read they tend to middle-bottom dwellers, any top swimmers that might be okay with them)?