Kribs Spawned.....


Fish Fanatic
Sep 2, 2011
Reaction score
Aberdeen, Sconnie Botland
Hi folks looking for some advice please... I won't bore you guys with finer details but set up another tank cause I fancied a pair o kribs :good: anyway they have spawned :hyper: prob about 50-75 fry....but there are cardinals and cories in there as well, my question is do I remove the other fish and leave the kribs or let them get on with it ??...both parents are guarding the fry aggressively as you would expect

Any input/advise greatly appreciated

Congrats mate

Hmm well it would depend whether you want as many fry to survive as they can, if you're not bothered leave the other fish in, if not pull the other fish out so the fry have the best chance of surviving.

Have the eggs hatched yet? As the cories will munch them quickly
Congrats mate

Hmm well it would depend whether you want as many fry to survive as they can, if you're not bothered leave the other fish in, if not pull the other fish out so the fry have the best chance of surviving.

Have the eggs hatched yet? As the cories will munch them quickly

Yup they sure have :good:

Thanks think I will remove the other fish Ma &Pops and the little uns

Hope the link works

Ah cool mate, yeah mine had free swimming fry for about 2 weeks recently but none lasted, good luck
Parents prob ate them unfortunately, sometimes they can take a few go to get it right :good:

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