Kribs Okay with others?

fishluvr <'><

New Member
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia

I am new, but not real new, to aquariums, and wanted something different from livebearers. So, I asked my LFS and they suggested the tank figuration below. I now wonder if I have the right fish??? I heard that Kribs take over a tank my size... so, I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions about what else could go in my tank if I keep the kribs and get rid of the gourami and bristlenose, or shoud I get rid of the kribs?

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I just want to know what is good for my size tank? I have a Millenium 2000 filter, and wanted also to know, if that is a good size for my tank?


P.S. I saw a post from ModernHamlet about this, and have been trying to get a hold of him.
Having never kept any of your fish except my Kribs, I would suggest if you want to get rid of any, then just keep your Kribs with some mid or top level fish, they will then avoid each other giving your kribs the space at the bottom and the rest of your tank for your newcomers.
Your other fish may be ok though, so wait for more replies as i never had any.
You won't be able to keep the kribs with the bristlenose or the pearl eventually. If they want to breed they will kill them. I would suggest, like it says above, a group of six or so hardy schooling fish. Zebra danios are a great choice.
oooh becareful with kribs & any small fish.............we made that mistake & our kribs had a wonderful time munching through our neons & zebra danios....until we realised what was happening & rehomed them. i would not put zebras in with kribs they will probably end up as krib lunch!!! -_-
You won't be able to keep the kribs with the bristlenose or the pearl eventually. If they want to breed they will kill them.

Okay, but Pearl Gourami are not small fish -- unless you are talking about putting really young ones in a tank with full grown and breeding kribs. Do you really think that the kribs would kill a four or five inch gourami? Is it because of the size of the tank that you say that, or across the board?

I'm not being contentious -- I am interested in people's experience with krib aggression. I plan to have breeding kribs in my 29 gallon. Right now I have a full-grown female, and three of her juvenile offspring in there. But, I'm planning to buy another adult male (mine died :( ).

The tank is currently shared by 4 synodontis catfish -- 2 euptera and 2 upside down. I'm considering moving the nigriventris to my community tank, but the euptera are staying and I'm pretty certain the kribs won't mess with them. There are also 2 dwarf gourami in this tank because my red minor tetras bullied them. They are small enough that I would be concerned for them if I had breeding kribs. I'll move them to another tank if I find a male (krib) I like.

I was, however, entertaining the idea of putting two pearl gourami in this tank. I thought because of their size and because most gourami seem to give as good as they get, plus the upper level/lower level thing, that this would work out. I am anxious to hear from anyone who has tried this combination in a tank of similar size with lots of plants, hidey holes at different levels, etc.

Btw, are Australian gallons the same as UK, the same as US, or something altogether different? Thanks.
To answer the question about "Australian gallons", Australia doesn't use gallons, they use litres. When I figured my 17g tank, I figured it on US Gallons.

Thanks for all your help. :D

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