Fish Herder
Alia i took your advice and only have one male and female together. I left the tetras as dither fish, and they have put the skunk loacj in his place. To step away from the subject they have gotten super aggressive and the loach now comes and goes in and out of the filter box. I havent figured it out but I used to fish him out and now i have seen him slide down when i feed, but it is funny the loach is getting away from the aggression, by moving into the whisper filter. LOL He comes and goes as he pleases and as long as he is happy so be it. But anyways as soon as i moved the other female out of the tank they started their ritual and their colors are unbelieveable. The female is hiding in the "Krib crib" I made. and when she comes out she arcs out sideways for the male and then she gets him to follow her into the cave....awesome site....I hope to have fry soon. BTW I moved the female out into my 55 and I got another female because the guy at the LFS heard my first male died and gave me another female free for the first male dieing. So I have 2 females in my community tank hanging out peacefully. The breeding pair is ok also.