Kribs in a 2ft cube?

Dec 10, 2003
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Newcastle, England

I have a pair of albino kribs and I want to set up a tank suitable for them to breed. I boguth a second hand tank the other day, but it is only 14" (l=30" and w=12") high and the hood is warped or something. Anyways, I was't happy with it and someone phoned me today asking if I still want a tank.

I have said yes as it's too good a deal (2ft cube, new filter and heater plus 3 air pumps for £40!!). But will it be ok for the kribs or will it be a waste of 50 (uk) gallons as gixer suggested?

Should I try to convince my b/f to set up both and have the 30" for the kribs and have a new cube? I don't know if he'll agree to it, we have loads of tanks as it is.
thecichlidaddict said:
a pair of kribs should be fine in that tank.

Did you read my post, or only the title?! Which tank would they do fine in? The 2ft cube or the 16UK long?

Is it 'a waste of the tank' as I can't have many other fish in with them?
I would use the cube because I like to give fish as much space as I can. (My nicaragua's get an entire 90 to themselves, shared just with congo's), but the smaller tank will do the job as well. The shape of the cube can make a very nice planted setup with the kribs, and there is room for other non-cichlid fish in it, so I would hardly call it a waste of space.
thecichlidaddict said:
I would use the cube because I like to give fish as much space as I can. (My nicaragua's get an entire 90 to themselves, shared just with congo's), but the smaller tank will do the job as well. The shape of the cube can make a very nice planted setup with the kribs, and there is room for other non-cichlid fish in it, so I would hardly call it a waste of space.
Yeah I plan on having a lot of vallis, all down two edges. Thing is, I know they will be aggressive when they breed so I was only going to put 2 female mollies in with them.
I can only speak from my own experience that you can certainly breed a pair of kribs in a two foot square tank (they will really only occupy the bottom, but they will patrol the entire tank), but for all practical purposes, it will be a krib breeding tank. I've had to take every fish out of my 29 gallon tank except for a catfish who is either dead or just never comes out of hiding. My single mom was just too hard on them all, I couldn't take it. I even took out the male (who probably wasn't the "dad", but was acting like he could've been) because she was chasing him away as well. She seems satisfied, now, if not relaxed. These fish are serious about protecting their fry. :nod:
Thanks for your reply Alia,

Does this mean you think they'd be better in the 16long? I thought that there had to be 'target' fish in with them, to prevent the male turning on the female.

I really want my kribs to have somewhere suitable but I do think that it would be a shame to have just them in such a big tank, especially if the other tank is just as suitable.

Here's the tanks:


What do you think?
Kribs should be fine in a tank like that. I'd get a pair of kribs and some otocinclus. For target fish, Danios would be good.

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