- Kribensis


New Member
Aug 23, 2004
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Hi all,

I got a pair of Kribensis that have been breeding the second time now. For some reason I came home to find the male Kribensis hiding in the top corner of my tank-between the mesh breeding net and the side tank. I let let him out thinking he was trapped, until the female Krib went for him. I noticed all his tail was totally gone. He was in real bad shape and colour. :-( So I transfered him into another tank.

My question is why does this happen? :no:

In that tank there were independant Krib frys and 12 Neon Tetras.
I allow the male Krib to heal-until his tail grew back to put him back with the female. The female was very happy to see him, she was doing the courtship dance and both were glowing in colours. They are currently breeding again.

I just dont understand what happened before. Does anyone know? Is this normal behaviour for Kribs?
From what I've read it seems kribs can often be aggressive to eahc otehr when spawning. here's a link to a related post.
Hmmm.. I dont think they were breeding at the time. Maybe the female wanted another batch and the male wasnt doing his duties perhaps? Hmmm...
Cichlids do that sometimes, alot of cases the male chases off the female or vice versa, for some reason one of the perants becomes more protective over the fry and wants to be the sole perant. I would get a new breeding pair or just keep putting the male in a differnt tank after breeding. You say they were not breeding at the time but were there fry in the tank at the same time? if so this applies to that as well.
Wouldnt worry though it happend to my acaras, the female in my avatar killed 7 of my fish.
divaseven said:
Hi all,

I got a pair of Kribensis that have been breeding the second time now. For some reason I came home to find the male Kribensis hiding in the top corner of my tank-between the mesh breeding net and the side tank. I let let him out thinking he was trapped, until the female Krib went for him. I noticed all his tail was totally gone. He was in real bad shape and colour. :-( So I transfered him into another tank.

My question is why does this happen? :no:

In that tank there were independant Krib frys and 12 Neon Tetras.
I allow the male Krib to heal-until his tail grew back to put him back with the female. The female was very happy to see him, she was doing the courtship dance and both were glowing in colours. They are currently breeding again.

I just dont understand what happened before. Does anyone know? Is this normal behaviour for Kribs?
just outta curiosety, were they neon tetra fry?
:) The female is the one who initiates courtship by fighting the male, if he gives as good as he gets then he's good enough to look after her and the fry, if not you've seen what happens, feed him up a bit and he'll be fine. :D
The male is waaaayyy larger than the female. Hmm at the time the frys were independent, there werent many left as I left them in the tank with their parents. There wasnt any other fish but only 6 tetras in this tank.

Current news-
I put the male back in the tank with her again after the male got his tail back. The female is courting him again and a few days ago...WOW approx 50 frys!!

Another question.. When is the appropiate time to take the frys out?? I find that the last batch of frys, there was only 5 left. I suppose either the parents DO eat them or they just die out.

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