

Fish Herder
Feb 19, 2004
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how long till the eggs will hatch... i saw them today.. only about 20 that i can see....

i think i will take as many of the fry as i can catch out cause its their 1st spawn and i have a feeelin they will eat the babies...

just wondering around when they will hatch so i can catch some of the babies before they eat em

congrads on your kribs breeding but if u are thinking of takeing the fry out i must say DONT or they will not live.
just because its there 1st time doesnt mean they will kill them mine didnt on there 1st time and they had 50.
just leave them to it if they do eat them i know it will be sad but they learn from there mistakes.
ow and it takes a week bfor the fry come out
good luck
dont go staring at them all the time and taking photos etc....just try to leave them alone. the WILL eat the eggs if they feel threatened in anyway, so try to give them some peace (especially from the camera) ususally takes about 5 days to hatch and about the same again untill she brings them out of the cave/breeding pot

also do NOT move the fry. the parents will take much better care of them that you can.
yea i guess ill let them take car of them themselves... cam not workin and i didnt plan on takin pics of them anyways... should i turn the light off earlier so itll be less stressful or no ?
the lights wont be a problem. just leave it at the usual routine

good luck ;)
Do you have any other fish in there with them?? If you have any favourites they may get atacked once the fry hatch......

And the advice here is spot on, leave them to it, they are GREAT parents....almost too great actually!! :lol:

yea they spend most their time in the skull together... they each guard a hole in its head and an eye.... they will get aggressive, and im worried about that... there are 2 firemouths in there also... they are small, and not aggressive, so theyll probably be bullied.... they went wrong in another tank and the kribs were the best tankmates at that time... now that they have eggs im going to have to find somewhere to put them... same with the pleco... i dont think they like mr pleco... he has some finnage missing im sure from them nipping him.. moving the pleco will b no problem but the firemouths might be .'/
Sup ILOVEYOU!! Haven't seen you in while! So i guess your kribs finally are breeding eh? Thats very kewl! Mine one pair has already had 2 spawns since i got them and the other pair has spawned once but getting close to spawn #2. Here, check this site out...its where i have the pics.My Webpage
Hope you like them!!
yea i saw ur pics.... a lfs got albino kribs but i have no room...


all the eggs are gone... and the male and female are fighting a lot... so im guessing one of them ate the eggs or babies

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