Kribensis temperament


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
North West UK
Hello, having just found some kribs today, i was wondering are they to be classed like other cichlids, in that they are agressive and suit a species only tank? Or are they ok in my community tank? Thx in advance.
my cousins had a pair of kribs in a 10 gallon with some guppies swords and some other livebearers and they nipped away at the livebearers.. ive seen them with big barbs before at the lfs
They, like some of the dwarg cichlids, do well in a community tank with fish that can "look out" for themselves. (At least that's what I've heard.)

Your best bet might be to do a google search and see what it comes up with.

Good Luck
I've kept kribs in a community tank and for the most part they got along well with the other fish. I suppose they could be classified as semi-aggressive, for they only get very nasty when they're breeding (and they do that easily and often).

If you keep them with other fish it would be best to not keep them with other bottom-dwellers nor fish that are nervous or very small. They'll probably get into fights with the cories and the RBTS in your tank. You have 4 of them, are they 2 couples? In that case there might be plenty of conflict in the future, both between the couples and the other fish. If they're all males it'll be even worse. You might try placing in several caves as far away from each other as possible, to minimise contact between the different parties.

Here is one of the most detailed articles on kribs I've seen on the internet. That should give you all the info you need.

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