

New Member
Sep 13, 2005
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I have a female Kribensis, that has 2 babies in a 5 gal tank(temporarily), and I think she has hole in the head, or a mouth fungus. This disease started before I moved her, as a lump near her mouth. Now, she has a couple more lumps on her four-head. What do you recommend as my course of treatment?

cichlidluver said:
I have a female Kribensis, that has 2 babies in a 5 gal tank(temporarily), and I think she has hole in the head, or a mouth fungus. This disease started before I moved her, as a lump near her mouth. Now, she has a couple more lumps on her four-head. What do you recommend as my course of treatment?


HITH is actually holes in the head. Sounds like something else. Lumps could be a bacterial or fungal infection. Just FYI Kribensis are African not new world... You should know this if you have one :clap:

What is your temperature and pH? We'll go from there
spanishguy111 said:
What is your temperature and pH? We'll go from there
May as well throw in recent readings for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate (in the main tank, not the 5g) while you're at it.

Any fish additions recently, previous to her getting sick?
Any other recent illness in the tank?
How often do you do waterchanges in the main tank?
There was a sickness going around while she was sick, but all the fish had different symtoms. :/ The ph is 7.5, the temp is 76, the water is very hard,(always has been) nitrate and nitrites are both normal, and ammonia is perfectly normal. 0. Sould I use a fungal treatment? They do look kind of like white patches, but one looks like a hole. :( Should I use something else just in case there is hole-in-the head too?

cichlidluver said:
There was a sickness going around while she was sick, but all the fish had different symtoms. :/ The ph is 7.5, the temp is 76, the water is very hard,(always has been) nitrate and nitrites are both normal, and ammonia is perfectly normal. 0. Sould I use a fungal treatment? They do look kind of like white patches, but one looks like a hole. :( Should I use something else just in case there is hole-in-the head too?

A good pic would really help here and you might be better off posting a detailed description in the Emergencies section. Better fish vets than I there...

However, a few more details may help me or another with a diagnosis.
1. When you say "nitrate and nitrites are both normal", what does that mean? Since you post them separate from the ammonia (at 0), I assume this means they aren't 0?
2. How often/much did you perform water changes on the main tank? How long has it been setup?

Fungal infections, HITH, and most other fish illnesses are usually the result of poor water quality. Untill you have a positive identification on the specific problem (bacterial, fungal, protozoa, etc.), I would perform daily 25% water changes on the 5g and feed small amounts of high quality food.

Additionally, you should probably increase you water changes in the main tank to 25% twice a week until all signs of illness abate.

To summarize: Best way for your fish to heal: 1. Give them very clean water. 2. Get a proper diagnosis. 3. Begin appropriate treatment regimen.

Good luck.

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