Krib Sexing Confusion!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 26, 2005
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Ok, I know the theory on sexing kribs, females have purple fatter bellies, males have elongated fins and are generally a bit larger, however I have been to 3 LFS lately just looking at kribs to see what they are like in case I get some for my tank at a later date. At each shop ALL of their kribs seem to have purple bellies to some extent, some have slightly elongated fins, so I could guess that they were males, but apart from that I think I would be shooting in the dark to get a pair.

Is it because LFS kribs are fed colour enhancing foods perhaps that all their fish look like this? Or is it because they are jeuvenilles? If i do get some in the future, i dont want the risk of buying two males and them killing each other in the first couple of days!

Appreciate the advice!
males have got spots on their tail fin females dont. males are much bigger though not much help if they are young and all small females are stout little fish, much more deep bellied
There is no truth to that statment. My lfs has some femlae kribs and most of them have over 6! Male do have some purple or red on their bellies. Get 2 that fit the reqiurments the best and post pics on here and I may able to sex them. What size are they?
males have got spots on their tail fin females dont. males are much bigger though not much help if they are young and all small females are stout little fish, much more deep bellied

The spot will only be there if its parents had one, my male doesnt have the tails spot. Males generally are much larger than females and have a long extended dorsal fin. The female will be plumper and generally have a golden outline around the head.


Male is to the Left and the Female to the rear Right

Hope that helps :)
cheers for all the advice and pictures, the fish I have seen are all about 1-2in long, no bigger, and they all look fairly similar it seems at that stage. Maybe I should just try and wait and see if they grow a bit before buying and are move distinguishable. Its not like I dont visit the local shops most weekends....
cheers for all the advice and pictures, the fish I have seen are all about 1-2in long, no bigger, and they all look fairly similar it seems at that stage. Maybe I should just try and wait and see if they grow a bit before buying and are move distinguishable. Its not like I dont visit the local shops most weekends....
either that or you could buy a couple but only if your lfs is friendly and wil let you swap them if need be. It took me about 7 kribs to finally get a working pair hahaha. I kept getting males but taking them back until i got a female. then when i finally got the female she kicked the males butt. so i traded one last time and i have had a pair ever since. If they are too hard to sex, pick up a couple and throw them in the tank and watch what happens. then if possible post some photographs and we will see what we can do
cheers for all the advice and pictures, the fish I have seen are all about 1-2in long, no bigger, and they all look fairly similar it seems at that stage. Maybe I should just try and wait and see if they grow a bit before buying and are move distinguishable. Its not like I dont visit the local shops most weekends....
either that or you could buy a couple but only if your lfs is friendly and wil let you swap them if need be. It took me about 7 kribs to finally get a working pair hahaha. I kept getting males but taking them back until i got a female. then when i finally got the female she kicked the males butt. so i traded one last time and i have had a pair ever since. If they are too hard to sex, pick up a couple and throw them in the tank and watch what happens. then if possible post some photographs and we will see what we can do


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