Krib Male Or Female?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 28, 2009
Reaction score
Huddersfield W.Yorks
About 2 weeks ago i bought two kribs, i think they are male and female (the guy at the store assured me they were) the male is slightly larger than the female, (we are talking maybe a couple of mm bigger). He is restricted to a small portion of the tank by the female. who just chases him around when he leaves the little section of the tank behind the filter. I have loads of plants and caves. I make sure he gets food, but he cant be happy. My question is basically "why is she doing this, i thought they were supposed to get along?" Has she rejected him? they are both still quite small, maybe and inch and a half?
Do you have any pictures? You may have 2 females. LFS are very reliable when it comes to sexing fish.
Yeah pictures would definitely be helpful. If not...check out some pictures online. On the male, the dorsal fin should have real nice color to it and should come to a pretty long point. Also, on the very outer edge of the tail fin, there will be a pretty good amount of color on a male.

I definitely agree with Kribensis12 as well. I was just randomly talking with a sales associate at my LFS the other day and we were looking at Kribs, and there was a really nice looking male in the tank (the only one in the tank). And I asked her to sex a few of the fish (I wanted to see what she knew), and she had no idea. Instead of admitting that she didn't know, she told me that almost all of them were males. I asked how she knew that, and she said that she looks at the two, and then if they look different she knows that they are opposite sex.
^ Yeah. I vividly remeber a Petsmart Associate not willing to sell me a molly, as Molly's apparently kill angelfish.
ok i will try and load up a picture when i get off work.

This same worker told me my dwarf frogs may kill my fish as they try to mate with them, is this also false?

ok this is the male, or so the dude at the shop told me.

Now it took me litterally ages to get this pic as i was using a camera phone. I couldn't get the female as she moves around way too much. But she looks similar but with redder colouration. I will try to get a pic later.

Anyway. the question is Male or Female?
ok well that is kind of good news i guess.

If we are to assume the other is female why would she (smaller) bully him (bigger)? Will she come around eventually?

thanks krib12
Id agree with male!
Its hard to tell if she will come around. Some times male and females just don't get along. Females can be a big fussy. But if she had a red belly it shows good sign that she could pair up with him.
ok well that is kind of good news i guess.

If we are to assume the other is female why would she (smaller) bully him (bigger)? Will she come around eventually?

thanks krib12

The pic is definately of a male.. Normally females tend to be smaller in length, a bit more of a round shape (If you get what i mean) and also show a pink/red colouring on their stomach =] I had the same problem where the female was always chasing the male, but dont worry, they will stop that in time, mine are both healthy and no fins nipped or anything.. So theres nothing to worry about =] just ensure it dont get worse. Dean
If they are truly male and female. Take, the female out, and put her in a seperate tank. Rescape your tank you have. Then let the male settle, and then re-add the female. Because, she has no territory, she will not fight him.
If they are truly male and female. Take, the female out, and put her in a seperate tank. Rescape your tank you have. Then let the male settle, and then re-add the female. Because, she has no territory, she will not fight him.

Ok i am going to take the female back to the shop. (if that is what she is) I will just pay another £2 for a new female and ask for a smaller one. How long will it take for the male to claim the tank?

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