Fish Fanatic
I have a bunch (10-15) of krib fry that have been free swimming for 3 weeks. Mr and Mrs Krib are doing a great job at protecting the babies chasing the other fish away, though in a large community tank with Rainbowfish, Angels and Gouramies quite a few have disappeared. The babies are now becoming very independent and straying away from the parents a lot. What I want to know is when can I separate the babies from the parents, the parents have no intention of breeding again just yet and are still only concerned with the babies. Also now that they are more independent the other fish are much more interested in the babies. Last night a very black baby(by the way, the babies appear to be mainly gravel coloured stripey fish, but some are very much darker almost black, is this normal?) was separated, one of my angelfish was very interested in it and others joined in chasing it, but they couldn't catch it, it was too fast. Could they still eat the babies at this stage, the angelfish are young fish, not babies but nowhere near adulthood?