krib compatibility


Jul 24, 2004
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I'm thinking of getting a pair of kribs. Here are what are in my 2 tanks right now:

neon dwarf rainbows
guppies (juvenile and adult)
female bettas
ghost shrimps

I just wanted to ask which of these kribs would not be good with? So I can rearrage them if necessary...
i would take rams out of that, i have both now and do have 1 female ram in a tank with 6 kribs, all depends on how the ram acts, my male ram would go after the kribs and vice versa so im waiting on that tank condition to be stablizied that way i can add my other ram in the tank with the male

Edit: i would watch the otto also due to when i put my 3 kribs in the established krib tank the morning after 2 of the ottos where dead, water was fine and everything so im leaning towards the kribs
Thanks for the warning, cluster. I guess I will wait until I have another bigger tank to put them in if I go with the kribs. The rams and ottos are in my 50 gals, next size tank I have is 10 gals... :no:
I have my pair of kribs with ottos and cherry barbs and they are all doing fine even with the little brood of fry! I would worry about putting any other cichlids with breeding pairs of kribs, they tend to go after each other when they are ready to breed.
yeah i have a 10G tank below my 55G with like 4 dozen ghost shrimp weekly that i feed my kribs and cichlids in my 55G
i have a female betta with my kribs and they fight with each other so thats a no no too.
Ok, so to be safe, I should just keep them in a species tank, I suppose...Thanks, everyone!

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