Krib Companions?


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:unsure: What tankmates are good with Kribs? I noticed that many people on the forums have Kribs with other fish, but all of the books I've read said they are only good in a species tank. I wasn't sure if I could put one in my 46 gallon tank along with my livebearers, so I thought I would ask. Any advice would be greatly appreciated? ;)
Mine are great in my tank, it has got a bit more compliceated now (see thread in this forum) but they were always fine and all the books I have seen them in say they are fine in a community tank with caves (at least one at opposite ends).

They are great in community tanks, but just get very protective when breeding. For instance I had to move an Angel from the tank one week after they had fry because they would not tolerate him anymore, and were starting to nip his fins away....I still have a few tetras and catfish, and a couple of other smaller kribs in with them though, as these can get away fast enough not to get nipped.

good luck with them, they are great fish to watch...especially bringing up their babies :thumbs:

:fish: mine were in a community tank with, tetras,guppies,platies,corydoras,angels and a bristlenose plec, they kept breeding though and got stressy with everyone else( took over 4ft of a 5ft tank). Moved them to a breeding tank this weekend :D
;) Thanks for the advice! If I plan to get a Krib, I'll only get one. I've read that Kribs can be a little agressive at breeding time, but I'm not ready to breed them. I have guppies, platies and mollies in the tank currently, so I want to be sure a Krib would be good with the others. In a community tank, would a female or male Krib be better? :unsure:
Sasha said:
;) Thanks for the advice! If I plan to get a Krib, I'll only get one. I've read that Kribs can be a little agressive at breeding time, but I'm not ready to breed them. I have guppies, platies and mollies in the tank currently, so I want to be sure a Krib would be good with the others. In a community tank, would a female or male Krib be better? :unsure:
I would think a male as the females IME are the more nasty ones.

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