Koralia Powerheads


Fish Herder
Sep 27, 2010
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i need to get a powerhead for my tank as its too long for the juwel filter pump to circulate round the whole tank.

its 135L ish i think, which according to the koralia spiel means i need the 1600 LPH model. however the tank (in my sig) is only a foot wide, and i want the flow from the back left hand corner coming across the tank towards the right hand front corner, so its not very far from from back to front of the tank. i dont want excessive flow, especially as the koralia is non adjustable (what an oversight :blink: ) but i can position the koralia on its ball joint perfectly, and its apparantly super quiet - the tank is in my bedroom so needs to be.

all adjustable flow powerheads ive seen will only stick to the side of the glass and blow in one direction, which is no good to me.

i want the powerhead as i can see my water isnt circulating properly, and any debris in my water is not getting sucked into the filter, its just getting blown round, so im hoping the extra jet of water will correct this.

id rather the less intrusive, cheaper 900, as long as it will do the job i need. the juwel pump circulates half the tank quite well, so its not totally redundant. will get the 1600 if need be though.
I have the1600, not intrusive at all, pretty small actually.

I've heard people say they're silent but mine isn't, I can definately hear it but only slightly.

I'd go for the 1600 if I were you. It won't cause excessive flow, just nice water movement. I thought 1600lph would make a serious current but it's pretty gentle actually.
I`ve got the Koralia 2800 Evolution powerhead but it`s on a much bigger tank (380L). I can`t comment on one for your size tank I`m afraid :/

However, I will say that the powerhead I have is very quiet, I can`t even tell it`s running and it does a great job of ensuring a lot of the waste is pushed towards the filter. The directional movement is good, I just have to be careful not to point it downwards too much otherwise I end up with blown sand in piles :rolleyes:
I have mine half way down the tank on the back/side, this seems to be the best place for it.
well i got my powerhead in, went for the 1600 one. definitly not as forceful as i anticipated. think ive got it in the best place now, however i think my tank shape is ultimately dciding the flow of the water. i still cant get all of the water to flow past the inlet for the filter, and thus someof the bits of crap in my tank still hang in the water. its better, but its no perfect. i just think the slimness of my tank is such that i cant get a clear R-L flow from the filter and L-R flow from the powerhead.

still, its improved the flow and at worst, now the plants sway a bit it looks better :lol: . ill get a video up later, but im very glad i went for the 1600, i wouldnt mind trying the next one up now but think it might prove too much. mine has a small sort of rattly hum, though i think it might be something i could cure with a bit of bodgery when if it gets unbearable. all in all though, its a brilliant little thing. very inconspicuous in my tank aswell, despite being right at the top at the front.

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