Koi Question


New Member
Mar 22, 2006
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I was out buying oxygenating plants for my pond at the weekend, and I saw some gorgeous fish that had a sign saying "Small Golden Koi". I've always steered clear of Koi on the understanding that they'll grow too big for my pond (250 gallons), but do these Golden ones stay small? In which case I could have some after all :hyper: Or does the sign just mean they are small cos they're young?

Sorry if this is a really stupid question :blush:
Just young unless they've been intentionally stunted. The closest I've seen to "small koi" are Sarasa Comet (red & white) goldfish or shubunkins (calico's). They would be better suited to your mini-pond since you already know koi get too big.
May I ask your observation abt the size of Golden fish that you saw last time? Coz I think your 250 gallonz pond is not enough surface for Kois....
According some books that the length of mature Kois have 60-90cm. If they are in good care, they can grow up well 5-10cm more yearly.
There aren't any small varieties of koi, so as Goldlenny said, the ones you saw are most likely either juvenile specimens or koi that have experienced bad stunted growth from being kept in too smaller tanks/ponds etc.
How deep is your pond?
Ok - thanks everybody, I guess they must just be babies that I saw.

h@g - They were only about 6-8 cms long, so they've got lots of growing to do. :good:

Tokis-Phoenix - the pond is only 18 inches deep, so I think not deep enough for adult Koi, and I wouldn't want to cramp them, or have to rehome them cos they grew too big, so it's no Golden Koi for me :sad: It's currently got two Sarasa Comets, a goldfish and a Shubunkin in it :wub:

Thanks again for the info everybody :flowers:
Koi need atleast about 3 1/2 depth for the winter, sometimes more sometimes less.
koi dont stay small :hyper:
i thoguht i would get a picture of my baby :D who was my 1st koi and is about 3 years old.

she lovely :D
EEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's HUGE and only 3 years old :hyper:
And she's VERY VERY beautiful :wub:
Have you got more than one?

There's nothing else for it - I need a bigger pond (though I'm not sure I can afford to feed a fishy that size) :lol:
EEEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's HUGE and only 3 years old :hyper:
And she's VERY VERY beautiful :wub:
Have you got more than one?

There's nothing else for it - I need a bigger pond (though I'm not sure I can afford to feed a fishy that size) :lol:
:D she is well looked after though, very friendly, put ya hands in to get the pump to clean it out and she is nudging ya arm, hand feeds, likes to be stroaked :lol: i have this 1, a big shusui, a big goshiki, a 2 big orange ogons, one fairly small (6 inch ) goshiki and a platinum ogon bout same size, and my latest fish is a baby shusui whick is about 4 inches long :D and some time soon i am buying a massive shusui from my local breeder for a very very good price :D feeding is not that expensive, she will eat all day long but i dont over feed her, i buy nishikoi food, whick is quite expensive but lasts e about a month. i will get some more pics soon :D

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