Today whilst in the garden I noticed that my smallest 8cm Koi began jumping vertically out of the pond. I immediately grabbed some food to entice him to the surface and I have noticed some black splinter like colours on his body. When we bought him from the pet shop the length of the fish was only around 5cm and the entire body was orange. Unless the skin pigment is changing naturally, should I presume that the black specks are third party objects? Maybe larger parasites?
I have come across a particular website in the past that stated Koi will jump out of the water during the hotter months, but it isn't very common and they usually won't jump frantically 3 times in a row as though relieving irritation.
I have inserted a picture below of him:
Would appreciate any pointers on what the problem may be.
My nitrite, nitrate and ammonia levels are within normal range. My PH level is 8.2 and I am awaiting for the bagged pete to reduce the alkaline levels.
Today whilst in the garden I noticed that my smallest 8cm Koi began jumping vertically out of the pond. I immediately grabbed some food to entice him to the surface and I have noticed some black splinter like colours on his body. When we bought him from the pet shop the length of the fish was only around 5cm and the entire body was orange. Unless the skin pigment is changing naturally, should I presume that the black specks are third party objects? Maybe larger parasites?
I have come across a particular website in the past that stated Koi will jump out of the water during the hotter months, but it isn't very common and they usually won't jump frantically 3 times in a row as though relieving irritation.
I have inserted a picture below of him:
Would appreciate any pointers on what the problem may be.
My nitrite, nitrate and ammonia levels are within normal range. My PH level is 8.2 and I am awaiting for the bagged pete to reduce the alkaline levels.