Koi Has Black And White Stuff In Swollen Gill


New Member
Nov 18, 2006
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Size of aquarium/pond - 50-60 gallons
Types of fish - 1 comet (2in), 2 shubunkins (2in) 1 common koi (3in)
Filtration used and how do you clean it and how often - Right now we just have a small pump with a sponge filter for our rock water fall. The fish generally hang out under the water fall during the day when the sun gets hot. This year my husband and I are going to be doing a full DIY filtration system because this is the first year that we'll actually be bringing the fish inside for the winter (probably in a big 40 gallon garbage can in the garage).
Do you dechlorinate - no, because my city doesn't add anything to the water (i've checked, tested, you name it)
Symptoms of sick fish ie, spots, behaviour, etc - Was swimming sideways in the pond, noticed one gill was swollen with white and black stuff inside.
How long has the fish been sick and which medications are your currently using or recently used - When I noticed that the koi was sick I immidiately removed him to a spare 2 gallon tank that I have for treating sick fish. I know it's small, but it's the easiest way I've found to isolate and treat a sick fish. I keep it outside in the shade. I dosed with Melafix and Pimafix for 3 days, and today just started with Quick Cure. White stuff is gone, now just black stuff. The swelling has gone down, but only slightly. He generally hangs out at the top of the water.
Test results: pH is 8.0 tap, tank, and pond, nitrate is 10ppm tap, tank, and pond (yes I know, we have high [nitrate] here!!!), 0nitrite 0ammonia. no salt. water is very hard.
Anything else you need us to know - I live in WI, USA...our winter's get cold! The pond was bleached out twice this summer with 100% water changes before adding the fish. I admit that it was probably a bit too cold for them when I initially added them (since petstore water is so warm). I did it very gradually. So far none of the three goldfish are showing any symptoms so right now I am only treating the koi. I change about 90% of the water every week. This is our third summer with fish in the pond and it's the first time I've ever had a problem (though my first time with anything put fancys). I also realize that evenrually all of these fish will outgrow my pond. A friend of mine has a huge (large and deep enough not to freeze solid during our winters) koi pond on her property, and she will take them when they out grow my pond. I prefer little fish, she prefers big fish. Win-win situation :).

What is this and what should I be doing?
Does the white look like worms get a magifying glass to take a closer look.
Now it's just black stuff...almost looks like potting soil. He's still not doing well. I almost feel like I could dig it out with a tweesers, but I have nothing to sedate him with and he's so small I'm afraid I might damage him more.

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