Knowledge: The most powerful thing in fishkeeping


May 9, 2023
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Perth, Australia
We all know about knowledge, it's usually useful and helpful to the fishkeeper and customers. Constant research on the fish you are keeping usually helps fuel knowledge. With great knowledge comes with great power, as someone said (or did I make that up?). Knowledge is complex and can be hard to actually do. Do you think knowledge is the best tool and most powerful thing in fishkeeping?
It's definitely true... Knowledge is power (whatever field we're talking about)... But sometimes it can also be a burden...
when sharing your fish keeping knowledge with other members, it's important to remember

In promulgating your esoteric cogitations
or articulating your superficial sentimentalities and amicable philosophical and psychological observations,
beware of platitudinous ponderosities.

Let your conversational communications
possess a clarified conciseness,
a coalescent consistency and a concatenated cogency.

Eschew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity,
jejune babblement and asinine affections.

Let your extemporaneous descantings and
unpremeditated expatiations have intelligibility and
veracious vivacity without rodomontade orthrasonical bombast.

Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity,
setatious vacuity,
ventriloqual verbosity or
vain vapidity,
obscurant or apparent.

Shun double entendre,
purient jocosity and
pestiferous profanity.

In other words…
Say what you mean and
mean what you say,
and don’t use big words!!

(author unknown)
I fly by the seat of my pants .
all kidding aside and getting back on track:
Yes knowledge gained before starting your first tank and deciding what species will work with your water parameters is very important. Often mistakes in fish keeping are made by beginners who fail to gain the proper knowledge about cycling and about choosing appropriate fish for their tank. Learning how to properly care for fish after introducing them to your tank is also very important if you want your fish to not just survive but also to thrive.
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