Know Nothing About Marine....

Nov 20, 2006
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Prestatyn, North Wales
Im currently a tropical fish keeper, particularly fond of my plecs however I have been offered a marine setup for sale which my wife really wants.

Needless to say Ive said yes (can anyone here ever say no to their wife...) since it did seem a very good deal.

Can I have some comments please on the tank and the included hardware.....I collect it on Monday.

juwel 260 curved tank with matching cabinet
45kgs fijian live rock
large soft corral
varoius button polpyps
turbo snails
Eheim Wet/Dry 2327-84 Marine Thermo (2327-84)
Sea Test Hydrometer ()
3 x Jebo AP1500 Aquarium Powerhead (1100 ltr/hr) (AP1500)
1 x Red Sea Prizm Protein Skimmer *Deluxe* (Prizm Deluxe)
Digital PH meter £70
Refractometer £85
T5 hood with mini lamps... x4
2 X 300w heaters

Everything is as new - price Ive been offered it for is £700.

There are 5 fish included which he told me about on a bad phone connection...
red blooded hawkfish
hum something
indigo? damson fish
coral beauty
lemon eel?

Please please give me some advice to get started!

Also whats the best way to added a bit more colour to the tank - its rather purple at the minute!

This is how the Mrs and i started we got offerd a good deal on a tank, problem was the guy we bought it off had ruined the tank, the nitrates were over 100ppm, green alge everyu where and fish in it that were too big for the tank...

Its not too bad of a deal though when we priced up setting up a marine tank it would have cost us about 800-900, thats just equipment and LR no other live stock.

and as for adding more colour, try a 250w metal halide light at 1400k that will make the tank alot brighter, plus you`l be able to grow hard corals that have some amazing colours.....

but wait till your used to the salty side of life first.
I moved from fresh to salt water, and one thing I will say is that they are not the same. Different techniques and principles apply. You'll need to do some quick swatting up if you take on this tank, there is alot of new stuff to learn..

My advice is do as much research as you can, from places like this forum, before making an informed decision.
maybe i am tight but i wouldn't pay £700 for it. but i think thats down to the black tank and cabinet. there are other deals out there that have nicer tanks and better equipment. just a personal opinion, if its what you wan't go for it.

i think you will find marine much more facinating than fresh water, i know i did. ok its a heap more in depth and you really need to know your stuff, but if you have a fresh water background you kinda hit the road running.
There are 5 fish included which he told me about on a bad phone connection...
red blooded hawkfish
hum something
indigo? damson fish
coral beauty
lemon eel?

Humbug Damsel? Humu HUmu Trigger? No idea on the indigo fish or the Lemon Eel? Wait till you can get pics.

Sounds like a fine setup to me. If you want more colour, add coral. Leathers, LPS, Softies, Mushrooms, Zoanthids etc etc. With T5's, you have more stocking options when it comes to coral. Dont try what we term SPS and Clams yet though, they look nice, but arnt for beginners.

Id suggest getting some books, or reading journals and the sticky threads here, they can help alot in getting your head around general up keep. Then you can ask more specific questions. Websites like Melevsreef, RC (reefcentral) and associated sites are good sites for more advanced more indepth discussion on specific topics.
There are 5 fish included which he told me about on a bad phone connection...
red blooded hawkfish
hum something
indigo? damson fish
coral beauty
lemon eel?

Humbug Damsel? Humu HUmu Trigger? No idea on the indigo fish or the Lemon Eel? Wait till you can get pics.

I think he might be talking about a lemon peel angelfish :nod:
Think he means humma humma trigger, lemonpeel angel, and an indigo damselfish. That would make some sense to me.

Here's the way I look at it, tank is pretty new and looks very healthy, thats a good start. Its a pretty good deal thats for sure from what I know of UK prices. That much LR would cost him anywhere from 400 to 585 GBP if bought new. That, combined with the tank, lights, stand, and livestock make it a pretty good deal.

The things I dont like about it... The powerheads are sub-standard and WILL fail over time. Jebo powerheads are pieces of junk and should be replaced. The skimmer is OK, but there are way better options out there. Wet dry and canister filters should not be used longterm with a saltwater setup, but at least they can be re-sold for a decent chunk of change, or used elsewhere ;). And last but not least, does he have an RO unit and any test kits with the setup as well? If not, an RO unit and a master test kit will HAVE to be purchased before you get the tank.

If you do decide to purchase it, have lots of buckets, bins, towels and water ready :)

If it were going to be my first marine setup, I'd probably buy it
Think he means humma humma trigger, lemonpeel angel, and an indigo damselfish.

not the best mix of fish for a first marine tank, the picasso or otherwise know as humu humu trigger (if thats what it is) will get bigger and with that it may oportunistically eat smaller fish.
the lemonpeel angel can not tolerate abuse hence it shouldn't be kept with any boisterous fish like a damselfish, they are not as hardy as other angel fish.

if these are some of the fish the tank comes with it could be a recipe for disaster, if you decide to buy it i would look at rehoming some of those fish.
before you commit to anything, take a sample of his water and take it to a reliable lfs for testing so you can see if the tank's well kept and in decent condition, as ian said we had massive problems buying a 2nd hand tank

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