Know Any Fast Growing Pond Plants ?

HORNWORT, it can grow and will grow fast on the surface and in the substarte, grows better on the surface though :D
Watercress from what i heard, a lot of people use it in a veggie filter, ive just got my self some so i'll see how good it is.
Watercress from what i heard, a lot of people use it in a veggie filter, ive just got my self some so i'll see how good it is.

i allready have watercress it not really grown maybe a little



What sorts of plants are you looking for (i.e. plants that float at the surface, ones that grow above the surface, ones that grow in deep ponds etc)?

not really botherd any really
water hyacinths grow fairly well and you buy them already grown. I like then because if you have enough it shades the fish/animals from predators like birds and racoons. Also a homegrow water lily kit, those have always grown fairly well for my pond.
water lettuce is fast growing but not frost hardy niether is water hyacinths

water lillys are great and survive the winter well ,good surface cover and nice flower to boot

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