Knife fish


New Member
Feb 28, 2005
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I was at PetsMart and the Aquatics manager told me that african knives and black ghost knives eat snails. Is this true?
Not from my experience, normally clown loaches and puffers are snail munchers. If you need something to clear snails then I'd suggest your fingers! Otherwise try clown loach (they get big so make sure you've got the room).

I do know BGK's are into munching small fish (when they're bigger) so I guess its possible!

There are a few BGK experts around, perhaps they'll see this post!
no knife fish do not like anyhting hard. they like soft foods and meaty foods of a live or frozen origin, mine often eats flakes when i put them in for the other fish. :D
My BGK eats newly hatched Amazon ramshorn snails before their shells have hardened and most larger predatory fish will eat snails as part of their natural diet if nothing else is available so i see no reason why an adult BGK would not eat the odd medium sized snail it came across.

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