Knife fish


Fish Addict
Sep 14, 2003
Reaction score
Michigan, US
Ok, I'm gunna try to make this as clear as possible, A couple of my LFS have Brown Knife fish, (one of them is petsmart) Both say they are communty fish, Infact petsmart has had them in with platys and guppys for awhile now, I was curious if this is true O and by the way I might have the name mixed up (just going off memory) but they look simular to THIS but not as dark...

And what would be minimum tank size ext. and anything else i should know
African brown knife fish, Xenomystus nigri , grows to around 12" and in the wild feeds mainly on smaller fishes but they are non aggressive and can be kept with fish of equal size, they do not like members of their own species and will attack each other.
I think the pic. you posted is the same fish you are talking about. They're not aggressive and if they are not fed well, they'll hunt down small fish to satisfy their hunger.

I'd agree it looks to be Xenomystus nigri, they are aggressive to their own species as CFC has mentioned. However, I have heard that in a larger tank the aggression is more suppressed. :)

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