Just thought I'd share some pics of my kitty cats.
Here's the two of them. Bailey is on the left, he's 3, Dinah is on the right and is 6.
Next are a few pics of Dinah. His favorite position is on his back. The pics were hard to get cause he was trying to rub against my face the whole time.
And, some piccis of Bailey. He likes to sit in his chair in front of the tank and "bite" the fish. Can't wait until the 75gal is ready, I'll never be able to drag him away.
Here's the two of them. Bailey is on the left, he's 3, Dinah is on the right and is 6.
Next are a few pics of Dinah. His favorite position is on his back. The pics were hard to get cause he was trying to rub against my face the whole time.
And, some piccis of Bailey. He likes to sit in his chair in front of the tank and "bite" the fish. Can't wait until the 75gal is ready, I'll never be able to drag him away.