Kitty Mystery


(\/)4R'/... betta freak
Oct 10, 2006
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Ontario, Canada
First of all, I know I haven't been on in a while.. it's just that now that it's time for school, I barely get on the computer... anyways, here's a little story that happened just today...
Last night, we had BBQ for dinner! And, my dad had to go outside to cook the meat. About an hour after dinner I asked my mom where the cat was. Our new cat, Precious is a black and white dmh, I even convinced my parents to spay and microchip her, and she is a solely indoor cat. The only bad thing about her is that she begs for food waaay too much. If someone even steps in the kitchen she runs to their feet and starts meowing and attaching herself to their pants. Anyways, my mom said she was probably asleep somewhere so we searched the house.
About an hour later, Precious was nowhere to be found. We were starting to panic, and then we remembered that my dad had been barbecuing meat outside, and that he had to come in and out to get more meat, etc. We came up to the conclusion that Precious had smelled the meat, wandered outside, and when my dad closed the door, we started eating and she was left outside, alone, in the cold. We started searching even though it was late, and finally we decided that it would be easier to search early in the morning. However, my dad kept saying that he could hear a cat meowing and that he was sure it was her, but, search as we might, Precious was just not there (or so we thought).
Next morning, we contacted the shelters, hung up signs, and searched some more. Then, me and my brother went to ask door-to-door if anyone had seen her. Just as we were ending our 'route' and giving up hope, for no one had seen our kitty, a woman said she knew where she was. She told us to wait and disappeared in her house. Moments later she returned saying that the cat was perching on the roof of our neighbors (they lived behind her house). We rushed home and saw that, infact, our kitty was on the roof. However, the neighbors were not home. She was meowing pitifully, the woman said she had been there all night and morning. 2 other neighbors came and one called the owner of the house who said it was alright to get the cat with a ladder. It took 3 people, and a very, very terrified cat, but she got down, and is purring at mommy's feet :wub:
Yet it is still a mystery how she got up on the roof. My dad says she might have jumped from the deck to the roof and then couldn't get down :dunno:
Cats get stuk in the wierdest places. When our grage dore was up our cat would perch on top of it. He jumped on top of our cars to get there. The last time he did it both cars pulled out and my mom closed the garage dore! He got pinned between the dore and the sieling. Luckly someone saw what happened. We rushed hime to the vet and he was fine. I'm glad precieous was o.k. too!

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