Kitty Fish Bowl


Fish Addict
Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score
Rockford, Illinois
I haven't posted in the Betta section before (although I do have one beauty!) but after seeing this, I thought others would be interested. From the looks of it, there doesn't seem to be much room in the "bowl". I also had a good chuckle about what could be kept in it and why you would want to.

Kitty Fish Bowl

There is such a small water surface that I would be surprised if it would survive for very long.

What brings out the best in bettas is healthy conditions, space, live, meaty foods, and mates. (it's funny, I'm reprimanding someone who won't even know about this thread :lol:) So I agree with the comment on "people will do anything..."
newfishies said:
didn't one of our members get one as a gift recently?
That'd be me :p
The bowl is actually bigger than it looks in that pic... my guess is a little less than a gallon. A couple of my bettas seem to get shy and nervous in tanks much bigger than 1/2 gallon, for some reason, so I'm keeping one of those boys in the kitty-shaped bowl. Since bettas get most of their air from the surface anyway, I don't think large surface area is as crucial for them as it is for other types of fish... Anyway, my guy seems to be doing great and has built himself a huge bubblenest ;)

Edit: "Great for goldfish" it says!!! :crazy:
Yeah, the goldfish thing is what caught my attention first. Then I had visions of a betta in constant flare-mode because of over-stimulation from the "compactness"! :lol: I tend to have an overactive imagination. I'm glad that yours is doing well Synirr! I almost fell out of my seat last night while watching MTV'S Pimp My Ride. In the back of the guys car was a 1-2 gallon tank with at least 2 goldfish in it (the fancy kind with long finnage). All I could muster out was "Those won't last long." People should really look into things before they act on their ideas.
Aah.. Cute tank but not big enough for anything bigger than a betta. And it says it's suitable to keep lizards and thing in :crazy:

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