Kitten Introduction Update

Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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well I got my new kitten a little while back now, I knew it would take a fair while to introduce them as my other cats part siamese and really takes her time getting to know people before she's happy with them.

Anyway we've been having brief supervised play times together and then kept Lu-Li upstairs and Mitt's downstairs, building up the time gradually. Mitt's is a little stroppy with her but won't actually hurt her, bats her away if she tries to eat her dinner that sort of thing but nothign major.

My mum bought me up a kittening pen to use, but she's too small and can get out of it so we hadn't used it, we wrapped it up in wire mesh coated in plastic so she couldn't get out. Tried it leaving her in there while we went out for a few hrs with the doors shut so if she did escape she wouldn't be with mitts. Got home and she's still in there so thought it's obviously secure. So I thought I'd leave her in it yesterday while I went to work and let Mitt's have the roam of the house.

Got home to 2 cats together in the living room :crazy: had a moment of panic then realised they were both actually fine, not a mark on Lu-Li. Mitt's was a little unimpressed but nothing major. They were fine again together last night so I've been brave and left them together again today.

So keep your fingers crossed everyone I think they're gonna be OK!!

I would say that you are doing all the right things and that it seems to be working, well done you :) when we got my youngest he was still a lovely little bundle of fluff and i knew my oldest cat would be fine with him as he has the maturity of a 12 week old kitten and loves nothing more than a wrestle and they both got on fine, my female was a different matter and i knew she would be really peed off and hide for the first couple of day which she did, i gave her plenty of cuddles and seperated them both at night so she could have some me time being the mummys girl that she is, a year on and my female still hisses at the youngest when he comes near but thats more cos she wants to play rather than being nasty as she will run over to him and smack him on the head and run off for him to chase her, the youngest doesnt care about her hissing at him and just ignores her as he knows shes basicaly all mouth and no trousers :lol:
yeah Lu-Li doesn't seem phased by Mitt's at all, she hisses and Lu-Li just carries on playing :rolleyes:
Good thing they getting on,

My kitten that i got a couple weeks ago also is like yours, we have a older cat who doesnt like to be touched, only when she feels like it, but anyway she also hisses at the kitten, and also give a little swipe(nothing that will hiurt the kitten) at her sometimes when they play together in the garden running around, the kitten is not scared at all , the kitten will actually go up to our older cat and mess with her.
glad other people have this too, it's the first time I've introduced two cats together, kind of feel you don't know what they *should* be like with each other.... but then again each cat is different so your always gonna have a different situation aren't you.
Same thing is happening with my parents 2 cats. They have a 3 year old that has simease in her and a new kitten. The older one hisses some at the kitten and the she doesnt even notice. She will run up and try to play with the older one who gets all mad, but doesnt harm the kitten at all. They get along pretty well right now, when the kitten isnt all hyper and stuff (which isnt very often). It just takes time for the older cat to realize the kitten is no threat and for the kitten to grow up and not play as much.
well they've had 3 days now together, just separating them at night so I can get a bit of peace!!

They're doing really well, Mitt's is getting less and less stroppy and Lu-Li loves having someone else to play with. They do scrap a bit but not hurting each other at all. Lu-Li's at that stage of kitten where they just want to kill everything, so when mitt's hisses at her she just thinks 'yay someone to play killing with' and promptly chases mitts around the house! :lol: She's having loads of fun and although mitt's is a little stressy at the moment she's actually being a lot friendlier with me and she's not doing her usual stir crazy bit where she charges round and round the house. I think her having a friend could really sort her out. So pleased this seems to be working. :D
I know exactly what you are going through. We brought home a kitten about a month ago. She had been dumped out at my grandma's house, and since she already had 2 cats we brought her home. We already had three adult cats, and when Jetta, the kitten, was brought home they stayed in the basement, coming up only to eat and use the litter box. The three are still getting used to her, and our middle cat Rudy is the only one who 'plays' with her. He pretends not to like it but we know he does. But as I said, it took them time to get used to her. As for the kitten stealing food issue, that is Jetta's specialty. We have bowls of hard food out all day, but twice a day we feed each some soft food. Jetta eats hers fast and steals everyone else's. I hope your two kitties get along great soon!!!It's much more fun and more peaceful that way! :D
As for the kitten stealing food issue, that is Jetta's specialty. We have bowls of hard food out all day, but twice a day we feed each some soft food. Jetta eats hers fast and steals everyone else's. I hope your two kitties get along great soon!!!It's much more fun and more peaceful that way! :D

Yeah mitt's has always lived alone so she's not used to the eat all your food or someone else will thing. Lu-Li's definately getting the lion's share at the moment, sure Mitt's will get used to it soon and start defending her food more. Just feeding her seperately a bit at the moment to make sure she's getting plenty

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