Kitten Birth Emergency.


New Member
Aug 16, 2006
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My cat gave birth to 5 kittens 2 days ago, and today she gave birth to 2 dead kittens, I heard this was normal, but is it normal 2 days after giving birth to the other kittens?
No its not normal.I would suggest you have her checked by the vet to make sure there is no infection present.
While not exactly normal it does happen. I'd call the vet and check with him. Momma cat may need to go to the vet for a checkup in case there's a problem because of the dead kittens.
I had a cat does this. She had 2 kittens one night, then 2 days later had another 1 and then another 2 days later had a nother 2!! :blink: She was ok but I took her to the vets to make sure.

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