Kissing Gourami's


New Member
Mar 31, 2004
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How big do Kissing gourami's get? I have 2 in a 20 gallon tank, along with 11 other fish, smaller size then them. I've been reading about them getting a pretty good size, but not exact sizes. They don't fight, they chase each other sometimes, but mostly just hang around and they are pretty active just swimming along. Also, I've got a red velvet swordtail that I've had since day one of my tank being stocked, she's missing some color at the end, by her tail, and it looks like her fins are either clamped to her sides or missing, she's VERY slow, but looks as if she's been picked like crazy, her tail even has a chunk out of the fin in the back. I feel so bad for her, she's my oldest fish so far. She's not gasping for air at all and does take some laps around in the tank.

Any suggestions? I'm still trying to get my tank under control because I stocked too I can't really add medicine at this point. Could she just be trying to recover from an unfriendly attack?

jams.alaskan said:
Here's what I found on kissing gourami
Semi aggressive Up to 8". I believe it - I've seen them at least that big.

Well, I have a kisser, and she is 91/2" long. I don't agree with the semi-agressive. My kisser is the sweetest fish in the tank. She never picks on anyone.
Oh, I have a pic of mine here:

Hope this helps! :)
I have 2 kissers and they are still babies right now but they play with eachother a lot. They don't really bother any of the other fish but they are adorable. I am hoping I can get a bigger tank to put them in while they are still babies so I don't have to get rid of them.
Anything from 6-12inches. IME it depends on tank size, I have seen 12 inch fish in 200 gallon tanks but mine only get to about 8 inches max and more normally 6 inches.

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