Kissing Gourami


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
Belleville NJ
Im having a real big problem with my kising gourami. He is to aggressive for my peaceful tank and to peaceful for my gourami tank. In the peaceful tank he keeps sucking the slime off of my fish and they are getting sick. In the gourami tank he gets all of his fins torn to peices and he gets beaten so bad that he bleeds out of his skin. I dont know what to do.. Last time i put him in my gourami tank he got a ride around the tank in the channel cats mouth!!!!.. anyone have any suggestions..
Money is a factor (in only 16, and in between jobs) and besides he already killed a dwarf gourami and a giant gourami..

P.S. I wish i could get another tank, i have 6 and still crave more lol..
Oh, wow...Then I'm not sure..Mine has never shown any signs of aggression..I never even thought they were agressive...Maybe totally rearage all your fish so it seems like a totally new tank and add him last so he is the odd one out?? This is hard..... :blink: If worse comes to worse, maybe trade him?? :unsure:
Yea, i might have to i was thinking of trading him to my lfs for a school of neon tetras to add to my 3.. its an idea i might have to go with.. for now im going to try to keep him in the gourami tank in a net to get him used to the water then maybe he will be fast enough to run, aggressive enough to fight back, or smart enough to hide (thats what the two females do {the opaline and 1 of my paradise fish} they have to or the males will kill them)... Thanks for the help..
I got a kissing gouarami and is normaly peaceful except with the other kissing gouarmai but mine is peaceful let him hang out with the channels lets see what happends :p . How long are the channel catfish and how long is the gouarami.?? :/
well my last idea failed miserably. The kisser got yet another ride in the channel cats mouth. The kissing gourami is about 4 inches and one channel cat is 11 inches and the other is about 7..

The kisser is back in the 30 gallon.. hes bleeding pretty bad he took a beating from the Blue\Gold Gouramis and then the cats.. I will wait until he gets bigger until i put him back in the 55 because all those gouramis are full grown.
I had to take one of the two kissing gouramis I bought back to the store and exchange it. It was exceptionally aggressive. The one I kept is very timid and spends most of its time hiding in the back of the tank.

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