King tiger plec's


Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Essex, Kirby
just wondering if anyone has any info on these as I saw them at my LFS, apparently he's had them for a few months but have been hiding in the rock deco he has in there.

There £30 a piece and I kind of like them :wub: He said they could be ok for my 25 gallon tank it's well planted with a fine gravel/course sand.
£30 seems a bit steep.

they are a nice plec though - they are small and the males get 'fury' :D
cheers, I found that plaet cat foish bit but it doesn't relly have much info, so though i would ask the experts!!

I think i might have to get one, there awesome.

oh just found them on trimar-


so it's not too bad really. i might look into getting some fish from trimar though.
I keep this species, King Tiger L066 and although that price is abit steep they are a nice fish. My fish are constantly hiding and I have to check they are there every month or so. As with most Plecs they are nocturnal so provide some cave and bogwood retreats and offer them food before lights out. They seem to prefer a more meatier diet so bloodworms and other similar foods are best with some vegetable matter. :)

EDIT: I purchased mine from Trimar.
I have a nice bit of bogwood in there and it's well planted with some slate aswell, I think i'll be doing most of my feeding just before lights out anyways.

I think I might support my LFS on this one as I'm kind of anonnoyed I couldn't buy my filter from him!!

Have you got some pics of your king tigers ryan, I'd like to see the variety in shades they come in, I think my lFS might have the exterems of each end!!
paul_v_biker said:
I have a nice bit of bogwood in there and it's well planted with some slate aswell, I think i'll be doing most of my feeding just before lights out anyways.

I think I might support my LFS on this one as I'm kind of anonnoyed I couldn't buy my filter from him!!

Have you got some pics of your king tigers ryan, I'd like to see the variety in shades they come in, I think my lFS might have the exterems of each end!!
:lol: I've never seen them long enough to photo but I'll try to get some today for you.
Right heres one, a shocking photo but I had one hand in the tank and one on the camera and it stayed in this position for about half a second. :lol:

lol cheers ryan-think I'll swipe my dads tripod when i get fish to take pics of :), yours has a very light backgorund colourand really dark pattern, the king tigers in his tank were either dark on both or light on both and i want the light but it says it sold dammit :angry:

Maybe he'll tell the other guy it died and sell it to me :whistle:

I'm thinking 1 of them a clown plec so it can nibble on my bogwood and maybe a bristlnose aswell or another of the latter!!

Is there much chance of me succesfully breeding any of those plecs if I get a good pair?
You'd have to purchase a group to ensure you got males and females. One male to three females or two males to four females is best. They can be breed but it isn't common. :)
hmm think i'll stick with singles of some plecs then, having that many plecs for possible breeding will take up my gallonage quickly!!

I just read the pinned topic with clown plecs mentioned and suggests groups of about 4-6 which puts them out of my limits :( I think i might beable to manage 2/3.
I have a King Tiger pleco and just hides all of the time. I bought him thinking that he would help clean up my algae problem but he has done absolutely nothing and he's been in the tank for a week. I love the way he looks (when you can find him) but in terms of helping with algae good luck!!! I hope yours works better then mine did!
goblue said:
I have a King Tiger pleco and just hides all of the time. I bought him thinking that he would help clean up my algae problem but he has done absolutely nothing and he's been in the tank for a week. I love the way he looks (when you can find him) but in terms of helping with algae good luck!!! I hope yours works better then mine did!
King Tiger Plecs are not algae eaters! They prefer a more meatier diet and are highly unlikely to touch any form of algae other than a light graze every now and again, consider a Bristlnose if you want something that will help out with the algae but be sure to keep him well feed on other foods. :)
ryan said:
goblue said:
I have a King Tiger pleco and just hides all of the time. I bought him thinking that he would help clean up my algae problem but he has done absolutely nothing and he's been in the tank for a week. I love the way he looks (when you can find him) but in terms of helping with algae good luck!!! I hope yours works better then mine did!
King Tiger Plecs are not algae eaters! They prefer a more meatier diet and are highly unlikely to touch any form of algae other than a light graze every now and again, consider a Bristlnose if you want something that will help out with the algae but be sure to keep him well feed on other foods. :)
My bristlenose hasnt eaten sinse i got him, (friday) i think its because hes been pigging his self to my algae.

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