King British Algae Wafers For Shrimp?


Fish Botherer
Dec 8, 2012
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Would these be good food for shrimp?  They're very cheap but I hear that King British is generally low quality.
Anybody tried them or recommend something else?
All my shrimp like KB wafers. They're the only type of algae wafers I've used so I can't comment on the quality over any other brand.
Not heard of these before to be honest. So obviously that means I have not tried them with my RCS.
I generally feed my RCS with Hikari Shrimp Cuisine pellets or a tiny piece of Hikari Algae Wafer, they go mad for that actually!
My Amano love Aqua One Vege Wafers if you can find a supplier though, quite funny as sometimes when they actually find stand them on end them and roll them away like a kid with a hoop 
Hehe, yeah, my Amanos run away and hide with the KB cory pellets as well. 
I had a closer look at my shrimp the KB Algae wafers last night and this morning. There were no shrimp at it this morning but they had a good go at it last night. And I don't think I saw any copper based ingredients or additives either. I doubt they'd go near them if there was anything coppery in them.
I have these but the only thing that touches them is my amano shrimp. my rcs and crs wont touch them. and my bn plec turned his nose up at them too. every body loves the tetra plec multi wafers though and the hikari algae wafers.
Cheers I think I'll have a look for the Hikari stuff, it sounds good.

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