King Blue Tetras...


I wanted to rule the world but got distracted by s
Jun 12, 2004
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United Kingdom
Has anyone ever heard of King Blue Tetras?

I visited a new lfs today and saw some in there. They were lovely looking things, kinda silver which graduates to a light blue towards their tails. :wub:

I have half a thought that they may be dyed :-( so I just wanted to know if anyone has heard of them :dunno:
Look like these? Boehlkea fredcochui is probably the most common of the "Blue Tetras".

They looked quite similar, didnt have the dark line through the body though.

Looked a bit like priscillas but with a blue rear end.
There are a few "Blue Tetras", most look pretty washed out in the dealers and only really develop the full markings in good conditions, and then under the right lighting. From the side under bright light, the line and most of the blue simply disappears.

Sadly, of course, there are more and more dyed and painted fish coming through. It really is a bit difficult without seeing them.
I'll have a closer look next time I'm in that LFS.

Thanks Lat

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