Kinds Of Bichir!


New Member
May 11, 2006
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guys! can u post some pictures of your bichirs! im really a fan of bichirs! tnx! :good: :D

here is my ornate bichir (drakey)
The Oddballs fish index has quite a few bichirs profiles with pictures.

Armoured Bichir
Ornate Bichir
Senegal Bichir

If you own/have owned any bichir species that isnt in the index feel free to write up a profile, the index is always appreciative of new species :good:
It's a Polypterus senegalus

tnx beblondie! but im hoping that black bands will grows on it when it grows hehehe! ill post new picz if any grows on it! tnx again! can u post some picz of ur bichirs! :D
the vendor where i bought it said that it is a armoured/bandded bichir! wen it grows black spots or black bands will grow! but it really looks like a senengal bichir! but still hoping that it will be a armoured bichir hehehe! :D
the vendor where i bought it said that it is a armoured/bandded bichir! wen it grows black spots or black bands will grow! but it really looks like a senengal bichir! but still hoping that it will be a armoured bichir hehehe! :D
SOrry to burst your bubble but delhezis even as juveniles have bands. They don't just appear as they mature

The bichir in the picture you posted is definitely a young Polypterus senegalus. Babies of that species have the longitudinal stripes that they lose as they mature. Here's a picture of a baby P. senegalus and a second picture of the same fish at its young adult size:



What is the average max. size for ornate and palmas and delhizi birchirs. I love all three but I would rarther get the smallest one of the three.
tnx guys its a big help! hehehe! men i've been fooled! :crazy: hehehe! well! that's lyf! tnx again! :good:

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