Kind of a wierd question


Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
My platty is prego... no questions about that. I have recently noticed a 'drop' in the shape of her belly. right by her anal fin has really squared off. She is still eating a fair amount every day. I know she will progagly give birth in the next few days, but my question is this. Do they give birth through the same 'hole' that they poop with? She always seems to have a long peice of waste hanging off her, and im just wondering what to look for.


That a good Q!!
I have never seen any of my guppys poo and have fry at the same time.
But I think there is another just hole above the poo hole.
So it looks like thay are having fry form the same hole.

I think!!!!! :/
Well, not to be gross either, but dont human females give birth throught the same general area that they pee from?
Well, not to be gross either, but dont human females give birth throught the same general area that they pee from?

No,they don't. There's a general area for urination and a general area for reproduction. ;)

I have never seen any of my guppys poo and have fry at the same time.
But I think there is another just hole above the poo hole.
So it looks like thay are having fry form the same hole.

I think!!!!!

You're right,the birth canal is right above the poo one. :D
heathersweetness- just so you know, i know that urine and babies dont come from the same area, and if i remember correctly, i never said theyu came from the same area, just the same, GENERAL area. :p

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