It looks like a Gardneri Killifish to me... I'm not the best to tell you but I've been reading up on "Steel Blue" Gardneri to keep some and they look similar. Take a look on google images and tell me what you think.
It is in fact Fundulopanchax gardneri to which location I'm not sure (there are a great many) at this moment as I will have to consult my books.
Were you given a locational code when you purchased the fish i.e. Fp. gardneri "Misaje"
please advise.
I think the Nigerianus prefix is still with us, was Nigerianum....but that is not the locational code.
Sometime you will see Fp. gar. nig. (followed by the code)
I think you have just been sold as a general GAR...with no code.
I will have a look ro see if this can be assertained