Killi Id - Some Kind Of Panchax?


Fish Gatherer
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
York, UK
Bought this little guy (or girl) from P@H a couple of days ago. I assume it's some kind of panchax but I can't find a photo of anything similar. Any ID? Life expectancy? Adult size?


Here's my big panchax - I think it's a female golden wonder panchax but the fins seem the wrong shape. I can see an egg spot (I think) and she's about 3.5-4 inches long. Soft yellowy-gold all over the body and yellow fins with red rims. Doesn't really match any descriptions of female golden wonders that I have read (which all talk about grey and silver) but also doesn't look bright enough for a male and has what looks like an egg spot. Confused! Any ID?

Looks like I need to cool the tank down a bit . . . he's in a 28 litre with a male betta at the moment as he's far too small to go into his forever tank. He'd get eaten in a second!

Looks like Azrael is going to have to get used to some cooler water.
Yeah, the manager didn't really have a clue what they were. Apparently the supplier called them "zebra killifish". He was all on his own and cost a mere £1.50.

I dore his fin shape and colours - the grey and black on the body and blue sparkly tail. I hope he doesn't lose that as he gets older!
Its definitely not Epiplatys dageti.
I'm torn between either Aplochelius dayi or Aplochelius lineatus of which the Golden Wonder variety which you speak off is only one of quite a growing number of colour morphs prevalent in today's hobby.
Being so young it's a bit close to call from the pics.
Its definitely not Epiplatys dageti.
I'm torn between either Aplochelius dayi or Aplochelius lineatus of which the Golden Wonder variety which you speak off is only one of quite a growing number of colour morphs prevalent in today's hobby.
Being so young it's a bit close to call from the pics.

I noticed that the fins were a different shape but assumed this was because he/she is so young.

He does look a lot more like aplochelius dayi, from what Google Images tells me.

I'll keep you guys updated with growth - we'll see if we can get a species ID soon =)

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