Killer Tiger Barb?


New Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Myself and my girlfriend decided to get ourself a starter 7 gallon tank and as our first introduction we decided to get 6 Tiger Barbs. We introduced the barbs on the 3rd day after initial setup using the startup kit. Initially everything in the tank seemed fine and the fish began schooling and feeding normally. We did notice a little fin nipping but nothing which seemed too aggressive. On the 4th day and over the next 24 hours 5 of the barbs died and now one remains and appears to be in suspiciously good health. The remaining barb seems to be the biggest of the six and I wonder if he simply distressed the smaller fish to the point of death? Our PH level is 7.5, nitrate is 0.5mg/ld and temperature is 24c. Anyway, I could use any advice you can offer because I am simply at a loss.


Kev & Erin
Your tank is not cycled. Your tank doesn't have the benifitial bacteria that turns toxic ammonia (fish food/waste) into less harmful nitrite, and then nitrate. Lots of info on that in the Begineer's Section.

7 gallons is too small for 6 tiger barbs. They'd need at least 20, as they are an active fish. They're also renowned fin nippers, so a bigger tank is always better.

Also, testing for nitrate isn't really important, as compared to ammonia and nitrite, which shoud always be 0.

Hope This Helps.
All barbs require open swimming space. Tiger Barbs are notoriously aggressive and in such small confines, trouble is pretty much inevitable.

They are also a species which is sensitive to nitrogen pollution. Indeed, people with them in a community often first know something is wrong with their filtration when the Tigers start to hang in a nose down attitude.

It sounds to me like you had some very bad advice from somewhere, and had a disaster.

There is some info on Tiger Barbs in our fish index, here.
Thanks for all the advice. Feel like a fool and a little upset at the whole event. I hope that I can return the one remaining barb to the shop and we can start a fresh with some more suitable fish such as Tetras. Again thanks for the help

Kev & Erin

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