Killer Tetra


Fish Fanatic
Jan 31, 2005
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USA, Montana

I'm having trouble with my glo-lite tetra killing any neon tetra i put in my tank. As soon as i put the neons in the tank the glo-lites go right after them until they are dead!

Help please...
what size tank?
how many glo-lights?
how many neons are you adding?
do you have plants?
I have a 10 gallon teank and i have 3 glo lites and 2 neons, but now the neons are dead, i have 5 plants in there too.
glo lights are meant to be peaceful fish, try a bigger shoal of neons then they might not bother them, what are your test results in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.
All i have for testing my water is PH but im gonna get the other test kits soon. My ph is aroun 7.6 and i lowered it from 8.5 with PH down.
I have 1 neon, 2 glolites, and 2 black neons. I was hoping they would all school together. In fact I think the store person said they were basically all the same thing, just different colors. i did loose 3 neons early on, but the one is ok and likes to hang out near the glolites. I've never seen them pick on him. i also have danios and guppies in the same tank, and lots of hiding spots.

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