Killer ~ my bfs Pleco


Feb 26, 2004
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Shoreham, West sussex, UK
Heres a few shots of my boyfriends pleco named "Killer" due to his huge size, and the way him and the other pleco we have wiped out a tank between them a few years ago.

When he sticks himself to the glass, his tail sticks out the water when he stands on his head!

Here he is in a bucket when we re-did the tank from scratch,


Here he is in his new clean home, resting up on his fins,


Here he is investigating the new flower pot,


And here he is sitting on the bottom of the tank we held the fish in while we redid their tank.

Very nice size he's at and what a great pattern he has, such bold markings and colours.

Must be a happy chap!!
What size tank does he have?
paul_v_biker said:
Very nice size he's at and what a great pattern he has, such bold markings and colours.

Must be a happy chap!!
What size tank does he have?
hiya, he lives in a 36" long, 12" deep and 12" wide tank, and is happy as larry. his markings change monthly, the bands u can see are almost like his breeding colouration, as they dont stay like that long.

Hes a pain in the a*se to move wen we cleant he tank, because of his sheer size, weight and determination to stay where he thinks he will! we have to sink a bucket into the tank, and hurd him into it with the net, which is a nitemare, because he doesnt move unless he wants to move, lol.
Carolinesugar said:
Hes a pain in the a*se to move wen we cleant he tank, because of his sheer size, weight and determination to stay where he thinks he will! we have to sink a bucket into the tank, and hurd him into it with the net, which is a nitemare, because he doesnt move unless he wants to move, lol.
Nice plec!

We have this problem too when we need to move brocolli, our 12 inch starlight bristlenose.

Last time we moved him we tried to use a net at which point he went rigid with all spines erect.

It took 40 minutes to carefully cut the net off him. :crazy:

We'll use a tub next time. :/
very nice plec...

A 12" plec is way too big for a 3ft tank...

I'm worried about out 8" in our 48x16x16
We have this problem too when we need to move brocolli, our 12 inch starlight bristlenose.

Last time we moved him we tried to use a net at which point he went rigid with all spines erect.

It took 40 minutes to carefully cut the net off him. :crazy:

We'll use a tub next time. :/ [/QUOTE]

We use a tupperware for our spikey plecs.
SirMinion said:
We have this problem too when we need to move brocolli, our 12 inch starlight bristlenose.

Last time we moved him we tried to use a net at which point he went rigid with all spines erect.

It took 40 minutes to carefully cut the net off him. :crazy:

We'll use a tub next time. :/
12 inches?

Are you sure that is a starlight bristlenose (L182 and L183)? :no:
I have a L183 and he is only about 4.5 inches, and according to PlanetCatfish they only get to 4". Mine hasn't shown any growth in months, please don't tell me PlanetCatfish is wrong.
Captain Canuck said:
SirMinion said:
We have this problem too when we need to move broccoli, our 12 inch starlight bristlenose.
Last time we moved him we tried to use a net at which point he went rigid with all spines erect.
It took 40 minutes to carefully cut the net off him.  :crazy:
We'll use a tub next time.  :/
12 inches?
Are you sure that is a starlight bristlenose (L182 and L183)? :no:
I have a L183 and he is only about 4.5 inches, and according to PlanetCatfish they only get to 4". Mine hasn't shown any growth in months, please don't tell me PlanetCatfish is wrong.
Well he has a forest of bristles, is black with pinpoint white dots and is a foot long.

We call hin a starlight simply because it's the only species he resembles but I agree he does seem rather big!

Here's Broccoli.
Well that looks an awful lot like mine, I hope my guy doesn't get to be that size. :crazy:
I had always thought that bristlenoses didn't go much beyond 5", guess I learned something new.
Wow, killer looks just like my Peanut only he's 11". He seems pretty comfortable in my 4ft tank. I had to pick him up once and got a big shocker because I didn't know they had the splines. Is Killer a hypostomus pleco? Aren't they great fish even though they're a pain in the butt and messy as can be?
Captain Canuck said:
SirMinion said:
We have this problem too when we need to move brocolli, our 12 inch starlight bristlenose.

Last time we moved him we tried to use a net at which point he went rigid with all spines erect.

It took 40 minutes to carefully cut the net off him.  :crazy:

We'll use a tub next time.  :/
12 inches?

Are you sure that is a starlight bristlenose (L182 and L183)? :no:
I have a L183 and he is only about 4.5 inches, and according to PlanetCatfish they only get to 4". Mine hasn't shown any growth in months, please don't tell me PlanetCatfish is wrong.
think smithrc means "1/2 inch" ;)
andyj said:
Captain Canuck said:
SirMinion said:
We have this problem too when we need to move brocolli, our 12 inch starlight bristlenose.

Last time we moved him we tried to use a net at which point he went rigid with all spines erect.

It took 40 minutes to carefully cut the net off him.  :crazy:

We'll use a tub next time.  :/
12 inches?

Are you sure that is a starlight bristlenose (L182 and L183)? :no:
I have a L183 and he is only about 4.5 inches, and according to PlanetCatfish they only get to 4". Mine hasn't shown any growth in months, please don't tell me PlanetCatfish is wrong.
think smithrc means "1/2 inch" ;)
what you been smokin boy??

I didnt mention 12"...

36" is quite a small tank for such a monsterous plec, have you got decent filtration because he surely creates alot of waste.

Absolutely right, they're poop machines. My Emperor 400 barely keeps up with my 11" common. I do weekly water changes and rinse the filter media. If I go two weeks the water doesn't look clean anymore. With adequate filtration they really are pretty cool fish because they're just so much bigger than the other ones but they're still peaceful and usually mind their own business. :rofl:
smithrc said:
andyj said:
Captain Canuck said:
SirMinion said:
We have this problem too when we need to move brocolli, our 12 inch starlight bristlenose.

Last time we moved him we tried to use a net at which point he went rigid with all spines erect.

It took 40 minutes to carefully cut the net off him.  :crazy:

We'll use a tub next time.  :/
12 inches?

Are you sure that is a starlight bristlenose (L182 and L183)? :no:
I have a L183 and he is only about 4.5 inches, and according to PlanetCatfish they only get to 4". Mine hasn't shown any growth in months, please don't tell me PlanetCatfish is wrong.
think smithrc means "1/2 inch" ;)
what you been smokin boy??

I didnt mention 12"...

Ooops !!!

Honest thought that you'd posted that mate, not SirMinion !!!! One of those days !!! lol ;)

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