Killer Amano Shrimp...


Fish Crazy
Feb 19, 2008
Reaction score
fringe of Windsor Great Park
My LFS has a new shipment of Amano shrimp. All were about an inch long, fit and healthy-looking, each actively swimming around the tank, clutching a catfish pellet and jealously guarding it. I said I'd have six.
“Better watch these,” the guy said, “they're real killers!”
“Not Amano shrimp,” I laughed.
He explained that when they came out of quarantine, he put them in a tank with fifty large Cardinal tetras, and within minutes they had killed ten of them. “Feeding frenzy like a dead pig in a shark tank!” he said.
Now I don't claim to be an expert, but they looked 100% like Amanos to me.
Anyone ever heard of anything like this happening before, or can you suggest what they could be if not Amanos..?
They might do it. Imagine in their original source, it is natural, the big one kill the small one. If u keep tiny shrimp, they are safe for fish, but big fish might kill them , LOL.

amaon is quite big, compared to other dwarf shrimps. i guess they might think those cardinals are kinda strange looking bloodworm.
i guess they might think those cardinals are kinda strange looking bloodworm.

"Mm... swimming, neon red and blue bloodworm... must grab and eat"

Perhaps the tetras were already dead, or dying? An Amano shrimp killing a fish is about as likely as the US winning the World Cup, and for it to kill ten within a few minutes, that's about as likely as the US winning ten World Cups within a few minutes.
If they are Anamo shrimp I've never heard of them doing this.

I've seen my Anamo climb over my corys to get to their food but never attack the corys. They sometimes try to swim in front of the other fish to try and steal their food too but again have never gone for the fish.

I would have a closer look at their claws, it wouldn't surprise me if these were Macro shrimp that have been sold as Anamo's to the LFS.
I have a tank full of long-arm shrimps, so would have recognised those. My 4 inch male long-arms will see off a fish, but not actively chase it down. And these killer shrimp are smaller than a large cardinal. It's a real mystery...
-Feels horrible for being a dirty U.S citizen- XD

My dad used to keep shrimp and I have seen them do this before when we add a new guy to their tank they went right to him and took him out. I think they may be brainwashed shrimp planing to take over all fishtanks around the world pretending to be harmless shrimp... Of course I may be paranoid. :unsure:
-Feels horrible for being a dirty U.S citizen- XD

My dad used to keep shrimp and I have seen them do this before when we add a new guy to their tank they went right to him and took him out. I think they may be brainwashed shrimp planing to take over all fishtanks around the world pretending to be harmless shrimp... Of course I may be paranoid. :unsure:

Thats very odd, I have seen ghosts catch and kill small fish and amanos eating already dead fish. I have kept an amano in with my galaxy rasboras and not lost one.

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