

It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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I have the whole summer ahead of me... So, I figured I might as well do something useful, interesting, and educational (hey, I need an excuse for a possible new tank). After careful (ie, not particulary careful) thought, I decided to try breeding Khuli loaches. Why? Smallish, cute, I can get them, and they have been bred a few times before. Anyways, a few questions.
1. Minimum tank size? This will be for 5 or 6.
2. Conditions in wild. Water conditions, decor, diet. Also food for fry (if I get any)
3. Anything else you think I should know.

This isn't definate. Water conditions might be hard for me to achieve (such as hardness), the shops might run out of khulis. I might not be able to get a tank. But, I'd rather know before I jump into it and put6 in a 3 gallon tank :) Or something :p

EDIT- I've decided that I'm stuffed for tank room, so this has to be a no-no. But, you can post if you want, help others and maybe inspire them...
this is one of the hardest fish to breed and I don't think anyone in this forum would know how lol the only thing i know is that the amle wraps round the female and squezes the eggs out like an embrace and the eggs are green
For kuhlis they seem to do better with that in a heavily planted tank with a lot of hiding spots. The substrate should probably be sand and you might be able to feed young brine shrimp.

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