

Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
no sure this is the best place to put this but ive just got 5 new khulis.Is there any special needs they have?nad what is their fave food?
mine seem a little shy is this normal and i also have one that is a diffrent colour to the rest is this normal :p

sorry i dont know anything about them :*)
If you have a tank with loads of hiding places you will actually see them more as they will come out more knowing that they have a quick getaway. I have 3 stripy and 3 black and find that the stripy ones hide in the plants and the black ones are a lot more active, swimming up and down the glass. I only see them all when i feed them in the evening. Mine eat shrimp tablets, catfish pellets and flakes if they hit the bottom. They also love live bloodworm but i haven't tried other live foods.

If the different coloured one you have is a pale version of the rest, it might be unwell as the ones i have bought in the past that were pale all died soon after.

Hope this helps

germanshepherdlver, I hope you don't mind my asking some questions in your thread, since I don't want to waste space making another one of the same subject.

I've been thinking of adding kulis in one of my tanks as well, and I also have similar concerns. Can they live with gravel, or will they be miserable without sand? What's the minimum number to keep together? Lastly, will they eat snails? Small snails like trumpets, and big snails like apple snails?
GSL - mine eat a variety of normal flake and small pellet food. So really whatever goes round they tuck into too. I sometimes also feed frozen or live bloodworm.
They do come in a variety of shades of brown (ish) or the stripy ones.

Kittycat, I have one in a tank with gravel and he's absolutely fine - it's the small rounded gravel - not sharp edged kind.

I have 2 in a sand tank and they certainly never burrow, so I really don't think it's a big deal to have them in a gravel tank. Just make sure it's fine & rounded gravel though :)
theyre in a gravel tank.Its the one full of slate so they shoudl have alot of hiding places.i feed flakes and 1 cube of frozen bloodworm once a week,and also live daphnia once every 2 weeks so they should have alot of choice.Yeah one is a little bit paler than the others.
My son & I both keep kuhlis. We both have gravel, mine is quite fine. In my sons tank they live under the bogwood & in mine they share a slate cave with my corys. As for them being shy, well mine are out & about all day ( I have 4 ) but my son hardly ever sees his. As far as food goes they seem to eat the same as everyone else but they do seem to enjoy peas. The other day one of them was determined that the fat molly wasn't going to take the pea away from him.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:
Here are my two in the one tank - taken just a little while ago :D

Just wondering, I want the normal ones, but last time I went to the shop the only had one and I'm not sure when their delivery day is. Would it be best to get one and get more later, or get a couple of blacks? Or just try another shop...
I don't think it really matters much - the are so sociable and will easily accept new friends.
Markings as such, no. But if you look at that first pic, the male is the one above, as he has very fine brisles on his rostrum ("nose"). They do however come in varying shades of brown (being almost yellow to almost black). Gorgeous fish but should be kept in a placid tank.

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