

Fish Fanatic
Jul 10, 2005
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Minneapolis MN
I dont know if this happens with anyone else, but my khuli's have gotten into the habit of standing guard over each other.

Usually it works out that the Big one is up and active while the two smaller ones are asleep. He'll swim around and then go check on em, sit for about 5 sec and leave again.

Then Later, while hes sleeping, the other two will do the same thing. Its really quite cool to watch.

Was just curious if anyone else had noticed this behavior in their khulis.

usually at night my black kuhlis all just swim around on the walls but they definately have a spot wherethey like to go .its uncommon for me to see all three black kuhlis over there at once
I have three of them also and they do seem to take shifts watching over the other ones. I havent noticed them until I read this topic and I decided to watch them and sure enough they do. :D

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