khulis loaches


Fish Herder
May 10, 2004
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hi guys :D

just a quick questions, i've seen lots of pics of these khuli loaches around and i'm reallyte mpted to get one (i think they are very cute), but i know nothing about them, but did try to do some reesarch on the net.

From what i hear, they are community fish and grow up to 4", peaceful, shy, and schooling. I'm thinking of putting them in my 25G, which hasthe following:

3 otos
1 mystery snail
5 female bettas
3 guppies
2 kribs

If i get 2 khuli loaches, will they be alright? the kribs are still very small (babies, i can't even sex them yet), so they're nowhere near breeding stages.

any advice?

oh, and how on earth do you pronouce khuli? i dont' want to sound stupid at my lfs :*)
i'm pretty sure you pronounce kuhli like "coolie" but im not quite sure. i have no idea about anything else tho but i was looking into them aswell they look really cool. :D
Sounds fine but I would get three or more. A sand substrate is good if you have one and provide plenty of hiding places. :)
i have regular gravel as my substrate :/ it's black with the occaisoanl pruple gravel, i don't know if you would consider them sharp or what...will that be alright for them?

Also, i feed my otos and stuff sinking shrimp pellets, will that be alright for the khulis?
I've researched Kuhlii's as well and have learned alot from this board. I believe you can add them to your tank if you provide many hiding places. Supposedly,PVC pipe placed under the gravel can work as well. If you don't want to do that,just make sure you have some rocks or caves. Kuhlii's have also been known to hide out in filters.
they can survive well in 2s but they really enjoy being in groups of 4-6 they dont need much maintanece they are nocternal they help your tank to stay clean as well
you may want to check out if the khulis eat mystery snails. i have clown and zebra loaches and they ate my apple snails. my apple snails were considerably bigger than the loaches too. they chewed little holes in their shells until their mantles collapsed, by the time i figured out that it was from being eaten by the loaches it was too late.

just a word of caution..... :blink:
UNfortunatly kholis' are snail friendly :(

we have a few tubes and loads of wood in our tank and they love it :)

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