Khulis and Shrimps

It is possible for any loach of any size to eat shrimp....Cherries and Amano are very nice shrimp and would be a shame to lose..test with Ghost shrimp if possible.

or look for a snowflake shrimp they are pretty tough and will fight back.
I would seriously dought a kuhli though. A clown or other loach maybe, but a kuhli.....naaa. :)
Grey Legion said:
or look for a snowflake shrimp they are pretty tough and will fight back.
Liked the sound of this until I found "The Pearl (snowflake) shrimp may just be the ticket for your aquariums with larger fish as these semi- aggressive shrimp have the ability to fight off some predators and also might eat your smaller fish" :eek:

I have cardinals...!!
I have Amano shrimp in my tank with Kuhlis, Yoyos and Clowns..and though I lost three shrimp to start with (almost as soon as I got them, though bodies were found so not eaten) I have three remaining, which are quite large now.

They are happy enough, and are bold enough to challenge any of the fish for food. One even chose a piece of slate in open water to shed his skin, creating interest and confusion among the loaches that resided beneath the slate, lol! :rofl: If he wasn't vulnerable then, when else would he be? ;)
i know its off topic but i sometimes get massive river shrimp that cant last in a tank with fish but ive seen other people with smaller shrimp that can last in a tank y is this?

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