Khulies In External Filter..


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2006
Reaction score
South Wales
Got up in the middle of the night, cause the Fluval 105 was making funny noises...

Took it downstairs for a clean up and inspection, low and behold 2 of my three Khulies inside :p

Fished em out an put em in my Cory tank (which has a stingray filter).

So now I have one more Khulie in the main tank, with the 2 hoplos, banjo cat, 2 bristle-noses and whiptail. I knew I should have stayed with catfish!

For future reference, anyway of stopping this from happening? especially as a much larger tank, with a larger external filter is in the pipeline....
doesn't your intake have a snail guard?
if not add one.
if so perhaps a bit of mesh (tights/stockings are good)
between the snail guard and the pipe will stop them getting in
i had that with my neon's. took me bloody ages to get the stupid fish out. i still don't know how they got inthere in the first place, there head were wider then the gaps? :S
Hi, the filter has a guard, but they are very young and very small.


Tights eh? cool, will they get clogged/impede the flow?
yes and quickly too
if using the tights method, I suggest that you check it every day to ensure it isn't clogged up too much,
another option would be to add a sponge to the intake which won't clog up as quickly.

both these options are going to act as a pre filter for your cannister so both will need you to check them regularly
Jeez! just lost another one, this time from the cory tank, managed to jam itself behind the stingray filter, and squeeze its head into a crack between the main filter body and pump housing!

Guess Im just not meant to keep these things!!

So thats two left, maybe, one in the main tank (or more probably in the filter by now) and one in the cory tank.

I'm sticking with catfish from now on!!
i lost one earlier this month, took my pump out (cleaning the turbines) and one snook into the little hole in the juwel filter where it fits. Found it a few days later dead, must have crushed it or something :(
i had this also

i bought 5 (had one before which was bigger)

i could only see 1 new one and the bigger older one. i assumed i got a bad batch and the other had died (this was in a planted tank so was hard to tell)

about a month after buying the fish i cleaned me external in the bath as i normally do and saw a coolie loach! so i quickly put the plug in and to my amazment i saw the other 3 wringling round in the bath.

the hardest part was catching them! considering they have been in the dark filter i turned all the light off added some declorineator and filled te bath an extra inch. i left them for an hour caught them and put them in a spare tank. i was amazed how long they lasted (although looking very thin).

as said by wolfy i put a foot of a tight/stocking over my filter inlet. i cleaned/replaced the tight every other week. i didnt notice any flow restictions either tbh


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