Khuli Loaches


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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They're 1.49 each and are fun to look at, so I was hoping to add 3-4 to my 45 gallon tank.

I have gravel, and I realize that sand is better, but changing the substrate would be a pain--therefore, just need to make sure that they'll be ok in my tank.

I take it corydora food like shrimp pellets and blood worms would suit them ok, though wardley shrimp pellets have a high wheat content and therefore apparently not good for my animals. What other brands'd be better? Also, I've read corydoras relish blackworms, and I would think loaches would too. I believe they're relatively easy to culture, so anyone have sites for ordering/ looking up on how to keep these guys?

Thanks in advance
Easy as to care for :) :)

Mine get frozen brine shrimp, tetramin colourbits, and spirulina discs.
They are hardy lil fellows and can tolerate more than you think.

Plus they're natural scavengers :lol: :lol:

Ashli :)
I feed my loaches Ocean Nurtition flake food, Hikari Sinking Wafers, Wardley Spirulla Disks, Frozen Bloodworms, Freeze Dried Tubifex Worms, and Fresh Cucumber. Not all at the same time of course. They get something different every day. All my fish like those things, especially my cories.

EDIT: As for the live food, I have bought cultures from these people of Aquabid and will use them again when I need some more:
Hi check out for khuli info.They are fun fish and a must for all community aquariums.
What colour (type) are you getting? orange and black striped, black or silver?
Also they may look cool in the LFS but don't be suprized if you rarely see them in your fish tank at home where they can hide :)
Yup, with just 3-4 in a tank that big, you'll probably never see them. I've got 10 in a 20g and they've only just started to come out regularly (after a year or so) and even then only when food goes in.
Going off the livefoodcultures site, it seems easy to feed the microworms to fry (interested in it for betta breeding), but is it possible to transfer some to another container and get another culture started?

Well, I could keep more of them, I would think...

Tank specs:
45 gallon
3 spotted corydoras
4 albino corydoras
8 zebra danio
7 black skirt tetras
6 harlequin rasboras
2 female bettas
1 female guppy
1 juvenile guppy
2 Blue Rams (female and male)

I believe they are only black, but that's going by the picture since we either sold all of them or they died (just started working here/ new store).

Do they really go after the tubix (dried)? None of my fish care for 'em.

So they are omnivores?

Also, though I don't care one way or the other, what are the chances of them breeding in a community tank?

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