Khuli Loaches.... do they eat snails too?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2004
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I hear that loaches like snails... but will my Khuli loaches like them too?

Its hard to find a snack for them, I have blood worms for the rest of my fish, but not many make it close to the bottom.
I can't answer your question but I can side step and bump at the same time :fun:

You can put some on the bottom or get live bloodworms and set them free in your substrate for loaches and the like to find.
Just use a turkey baster to squirt bloodworms around the kuhlies and elsewhere to distract the others. I think kuhlies will eat snails though, they'd have to be really small snails.
i've never seen khulis eat snails,
snail eggs, sometimes but never snails
they are much too tiny IMO
I have seen my Khulis eating small soft shelled species of snails but not on a regular basis.

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