Khuli Loaches Are Swimming All Over The Place


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
Not sure what's wrong with them, but something obviously is.
Only have 2 right now b/c one of them died a couple weeks ago.
And for the past 3 or so days, the remaining 2 are out all the time now, just swimming all over the tank.
I can't see anything physically wrong with them. None of the other fish are acting weird at all... it's just the loaches.
They're not flicking on anything, just frantically swimming up and down and across the tank.

What could be wrong?
could they be looking for a safe hiding place? maybe someone kicked them out of their hidey-hole and they need a new one? just a thought.
Hmmm... well the only other fish in the tank are platies, rasbora, and 2 male guppies. The rasbora don't do much of anything. The platy are too busy messing with eachother and begging for food whenever I get near the tank, same goes for the guppies.

I dunno.... I'll try rearranging some things to see if that helps.
our khulis do this from time to time esp at night. as long as your tank water parameters are ok. its normal loach behaviour. ours often do it when theyve been disturbed such as after ive done a tank clean. loaches can however be irritated by certain brands of dechlorinator ( have you changed brands recently???) and one thing that will always send them mad is if you use melafix or pimafix in the tank - dont!!!!!! they absolutely hate the stuff and will frantically swim almost trying to jump out, it seems to really bother them. so as long as you've not added anything new( even something that could be carried in on a plant like some sort of snail killer which many lfs dunk their aquatic plants in) i wouldnt worry,ours seemed to settle down as they got older and only occasionally do a mad swim up & down esp in the tank corners.
Only thing I added in was a little bit of sand. But this was after they were swimming around like crazy.
Before that, absolutely nothing new.
Using the same dechlorinator I always use, *shrugs*
I do hope they calm down some. Hate seeing them so stressed.
Hoping we can get more eventually too :)
Mine do the crazy swim everywhere thing from time to time,I think it's normal,and something they just do.
Mine have a crazy 20minutes every now n then. They get no hassle from any of the other fish, plenty of hiding places, plenty of oxygen etc etc.
I presumed something was up first time they did it, but I've not had any losses and they're in a group of 5. I think it's just something they do every now n then.
Okedoke then.
Thanks so much everyone!!
Really sets my mind at ease knowing that this is most probably just normal behaviour for them :)

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